CityU IAS News

Curvature and Uniformization on Bounded Symmetric Domains

9 October 2018


Renowned mathematician Professor Ngaiming Mok presented a distinguished lecture titled “Curvature and Uniformization on Bounded Symmetric Domains”.

Renowned mathematician Professor Ngaiming Mok delivered a distinguished lecture titled “Curvature and Uniformization on Bounded Symmetric Domains” for the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) on 8 October.

In the lecture, Professor Mok, Edmund and Peggy Tse Professor in Mathematics and Chair of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, used a differential-geometric approach to study the notion of asymptotic curvature behavior. He also illustrated how this approach using transcendental techniques leads to various characterization results for totally geodesic subvarieties of finite-volume quotients without the assumption of arithmeticity.

Professor Mok's research interests include Several Complex Variables, Complex Differential Geometry and Algebraic Geometry. He is well-known in the mathematical community for his global perspective in Pure Mathematics and for having solved a series of important conjectures and problems using a combination of analytic, algebraic and geometric methods.

Professor Philippe G Ciarlet, IAS Senior Fellow and University Distinguished Professor at CityU, presented a souvenir to Professor Mok.

Professor Mok obtained his PhD at Stanford University in 1980 and embarked on his teaching and research life at Princeton University, Columbia University and University of Paris. Previous awards he has received include the Sloan Fellowship Award (US), Presidential Young Investigator Award (US), Croucher Award 1998 (Hong Kong), Second-class Award of State Natural Science Award 2007 (Mainland China), and the Bergman Prize of the American Mathematical Society 2009. He served on the Fields Medal Committee at the 2010 ICM in Hyderabad. He was on the editorial board of Inventiones Mathematicae from 2002 to 2014 and he is currently an editor of Mathematische Annalen. Professor Mok is an Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences.


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